Home Question Answer Embedded C Embedded CShashi SagarSeptember 4, 2023Question Answer, YPDP What is Arduino IDE? What is a Compiler? What is an Algorithm? What is a flowchart? What is Firmware? What are the two types of firmware updates? What is C/C++ programming language? How do we program IoT bridge? What is pinMode()? What is digitalWrite()? What is delay()? What is analogWrite()? How is analogWrite() different from digitalWrite()? What are Libraries in programming language? What is ESP32? What is an ESP32 Microcontroller? What are ESP32 GPIO pins? What type of coding language is used for the Arduino IDE? What are the features of the ESP32? What is the operating voltage of the ESP32? What are some of the modules available with the ESP32? What is begin() function used for? What is the difference between low level language and high level language? How can we write the firmware code for ESP32? What is meant by “serial communication”? What is the purpose of the setup() and loop() functions in Arduino programming? What is the function of pulseIn()? What is show() function used for? What is setBrightness() function used for? What is setPixelColor() function used for? What is #define? What are the functions of setup(), loop() and delay()? What is the syntax for Serial.println() function? Is it possible to use NeoPixel without using a library? Is it possible to change the functionality of a pin without code? What is the syntax of pulseIn()? What will happen if the user does not define the array size in Arduino? How is the first index of the array in Arduino defined? How can you access the last element of an array in Arduino? How do you declare an array in Arduino?