Shashi Sagar

Shashi Sagar

What are the features of the ESP32?

Some of the ES32’s features include: dual-core processor, integrated Wi-Fi, Bluetooth low energy, secure hardware-level encryption, ultra-low-power solutions, and extended radio frequency band support. Related Questions What is Arduino IDE? What is a Compiler? What is an Algorithm? What is…

What is ESP32?

ESP32 is short for ‘Espressif Systems Programmable Processor-32 Module’. It is a widely used microcontroller-based platform which is used for programming IoT applications. It has two main components, the microcontroller and the radio. Related Questions What is Arduino IDE? What…

What is delay()?

Delay() pauses the program for the amount of time (in milliseconds) as specified. Related Questions What is Arduino IDE? What is a Compiler? What is an Algorithm? What is a flowchart? What is Firmware? What are the two types of…

What is pinMode()?

PinMode() is a common function used to designate the mode of an Arduino pin. It sets whether we want to write (OUTPUT) or read from a pin (INPUT). Related Questions What is Arduino IDE? What is a Compiler? What is…