Shashi Sagar

Shashi Sagar

In a digital image, each pixel is represented by three color channels – red, green, and blue – each with a value ranging from 0 to 255. If we have a pixel with a red value of 200, a green value of 100, and a blue value of 50, what would be the resulting color that the pixel represents?

The resulting color of the pixel would be a shade of reddish-orange, since the red value is 200, the green value is 100, and the blue value is 50. Related Questions What is tri color led? How many colors can…

Suppose we have a common anode RGB LED connected in a circuit with a resistor of 220 ohms. The LED has a forward voltage drop of 2.2 volts for the red LED, 3.5 volts for the green LED, and 3.3 volts for the blue LED. The forward currents for the red, green, and blue LEDs are 15 mA, 20 mA, and 10 mA respectively. Calculate the total voltage drop across the resistor and the total current flowing through the circuit.

Total voltage drop across the resistor is 9 volts and the total current flowing through the circuit is 45 mA. Related Questions What is tri color led? How many colors can be produced using a Tri-color LED? What is the…

What is anode?

The anode is the positive terminal of an LED. It is the longer leg of the LED and it is connected to a power source. When electricity is applied, the positively charged holes flow from the anode to the cathode,…

What is cathode?

The cathode is the negative terminal of an LED. It is the shorter leg of the LED and it is connected to ground. When electricity is applied, the negatively charged electrons flow from the cathode to the anode, which makes…