Shashi Sagar

Shashi Sagar

Joy gazed at the night sky through a powerful telescope. He could see the distant stars and planets twinkling in the darkness. His fascination with astronomy led him to pursue a career as an astrophysicist, studying the mysteries of the universe.

A. A device used for measuring temperature. B. An instrument used to make distant objects appear larger and nearer. C. A tool used for navigating on land or sea. D. A device used for listening to sounds from a distance.…

Lucy looked through a powerful microscope in the laboratory. She could see tiny cells and microorganisms moving under the lens. Her passion for biology led her to pursue a career as a microbiologist, studying the world of microscopic life.

A. An instrument used to make distant objects appear larger and nearer. B. A device used for measuring temperature. C. An instrument used to observe small objects at a higher magnification. D. A tool used for recording sound waves. Answer:…

Direction: In the below-given data sufficiency problem consists of a question and two statements, labeled (1) and (2), which contain certain data. Using these data and your knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts decide whether the data given are sufficient for answering the question.

What is the value of angle A in triangle ABC? Statement 1: Angle B is 90 degrees. Statement 2: Angle C is 45 degrees. A. If you can answer the question using only the information in statement 1 B. If…