Direction: In the below-given data sufficiency problem consists of a question and two statements, labeled (1) and (2), which contain certain data. Using these data and your knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts decide whether the data given are sufficient for answering the question.

What is the cost of flooring the rectangular room?

Statement 1: The length of the rectangle is 4m.
Statement 2: Breadth of the rectangle is two-thirds of its length.

A. If you can answer the question using only the information in statement 1
B. If you can answer the question using only the information in statement 2
C. If you can answer the question but need the information in both statements 1 and 2
D. If you cannot answer the question even after using the information in both statements

Answer: (D)

Solution: To calculate the cost of flooring the rectangular room, we need the area of the room. 

The area of a rectangle is given by the formula: Area = Length X Breadth.

Area = 4m x (8/3)m = 32/3 square meters.

However, we still don’t have the information about the cost of flooring per square meter, so we cannot determine the total cost of flooring the rectangular room.