How does a current-carrying conductor produce a magnetic field?

Ans: Electric current is basically how fast electric charge is moving. We already know that when charges stay in one place, they create an electric field that depends on how much charge is there.

Now, think about charges that are moving, like electrons moving through a wire. Just like stationary charges make an electric field, these moving charges create a magnetic field around them. This magnetic field is linked to tiny particles inside the wire, like those electrons zipping around in their atomic orbits.

A magnetic field has size and direction, so it’s a bit like an arrow pointing somewhere. We use the symbol “B” to represent it. The strength of this magnetic field around a wire with current depends on how much current flows through the wire and how far you are from it. Also, the magnetic field points at right angles (perpendicular) to the wire.

Imagine wrapping your fingers around the wire with your thumb pointing in the direction of the current. The way your fingers curl will show you the direction of the magnetic field. This might be easier to picture with a diagram, where the red lines in the picture represent the magnetic field lines.

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