How does the eye perceive different colors, and what is the role of cones and rods?

Ans: The eye perceives different colors through specialized photoreceptor cells called cones and rods. Cones are responsible for detecting color and detail in bright light conditions. They contain different types that are sensitive to specific wavelengths, allowing us to perceive a range of colors, such as red, green, and blue.

Rods, on the other hand, are more sensitive to low light conditions and primarily contribute to night vision. However, they do not provide color information and are more sensitive to shades of gray.

When light enters the eye, it interacts with these photoreceptor cells. Cones send signals to the brain based on the different wavelengths of light they detect, allowing us to see colors. Rods provide vision in low-light environments but lack color discrimination. Together, cones and rods enable us to perceive a wide spectrum of colors and adapt to varying lighting conditions.

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