Noun and their types for class 4


Nouns are the first of the nine parts of speech: Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs, Conjunctions, Prepositions, Determiners and Interjections. They are the words that name people, places, things, or ideas. This article will help you understand the various types of nouns and their examples.

Types of Nouns:

Nouns can be categorized into several types. Here are the five common types of nouns:

a) Common Nouns: These are general names for people, animals, places, or things. For example, “dog,” “city,” and “food” are all common nouns because they refer to any dog, city, or food in general.

b) Proper Nouns: Proper nouns refer to specific names of people, places, orthings. They always begin with a capital letter. For example, “John,” “London,” and “Google” are proper nouns.

c) Abstract Nouns: Abstract nouns represent ideas, emotions, qualities, or states that can’t be experienced through the five senses. Examples are “love,” “happiness,” and “freedom.”

d) Concrete Nouns: Concrete nouns are the opposite of abstract nouns. These can be seen, touched, smelled, tasted and heard. They can be experienced through the five senses. “Table,” “flower,” and “apple” are all concrete nouns.

e) Collective Nouns: These nouns refer to groups of people, animals, or things. Examples include “team,” “flock,” and “family.”

Types of nouns based on number:

Nouns are divided into two types based on if they can be counted or not:

  1. Countable Nouns: Countable nouns are objects that can be counted as separate units. They can be both singular and plural. We can use numbers with countable nouns to indicate the quantity. For example:
  • Singular Countable Noun: One book, A chair, An apple, One friend
  • Plural Countable Noun: Three books, Two chairs, The apples, friends
  1. Uncountable Nouns: Uncountable nouns are things which cannot be counted as separate units. They are considered as a whole and do not have a plural form. We can’t use numbers with uncountable nouns. For example:
  • Uncountable Noun: water, sugar, money, happiness, knowledge

Types of nouns based on gender:

In the English language, there are four types of nouns based on gender.

a). Masculine Nouns: Masculine nouns refer to male beings or objects. They are usually associated with masculine pronouns. For example: man, boy, father.

b). Feminine Nouns: Feminine nouns refer to female beings or objects. They are typically used with feminine pronouns. For example: woman, girl, mother.

c). Neuter Nouns: Neuter nouns refer to non-living things which do not have a specific gender. We can use the pronoun ‘it’ for neuter gender nouns. For example: house, pen, book.

d). Common Gender Nouns: Common gender nouns can refer to both males and females. For example: student, friend, doctor.

Question: Identify the type of noun in the given sentences:

  1. Disneyland is a famous theme park.
  2. The child was smiling with happiness.
  3. The herd of elephants moved through the forest.
  4. He drank some water.
  5. The actress received an award for her performance.


  1. Disneyland is a famous theme park. – Proper Noun
  2. The child was smiling with happiness. – Abstract Noun
  3. The herd of elephants moved through the forest. – Collective Noun
  4. He drank some water. – Uncountable Noun
  5. The actress received an award for her performance. – Feminine Noun