Pronouns and Their types for class 5


Pronouns are an important part of speech which makes language easier to read and write by avoiding repetition. Pronouns are words used to replace nouns in sentences. We will look at the various types of pronouns and their examples:

  1. Personal Pronouns: Personal pronouns are used to refer to specific people or things. There are three types of personal pronouns:

a) First-person pronouns: Referring to the speaker or the subject.

  • Singular: I, me, my, mine
  • Plural: we, us, our, ours
  • Sentence examples:
    • I am working on a project. 
    • We ran for the school bus. 

b) Second-person pronouns: Referring to the person or people spoken to.

  • Singular: you, your, yours
  • Plural: you, your, yours
  • Sentence examples:
    • You can come in. 
    • Can I take your umbrella?

c) Third-person pronouns: Referring to someone or something who is not present there at that point.

  • Singular: he, him, his / she, her, hers / it, its
  • Plural: they, them, their, theirs
  • Sentence examples:
    • You can come in. 
    • Can I take your umbrella?
  1. Possessive Pronouns: Possessive pronouns show ownership or possession. 
  • Singular: mine, yours, his, hers, its
  • Plural: ours, yours, theirs
  • Sentence examples:
    • The blue box is mine. 
    • Is this house yours?
  1. Reflexive Pronouns: Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and object of a sentence are the same person or thing. They end in “-self” or “-selves.” When reflexive pronouns are used to emphasize on the subject, they are also called emphatic pronouns
  • Singular: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself
  • Plural: ourselves, yourselves, themselves
  • Sentence examples:
    • I myself baked these cookies!
    • He should visit the camp himself to see how wonderful it is. 
  1. Demonstrative Pronouns: Demonstrative pronouns point to specific nouns and indicate their distance from the speaker. They include:
  • Singular: this (near), that (far)
  • Plural: these (near), those (far)
  • Sentence examples:
    • This is the best donut I ever had!
    • Those are not my shoes. 
  1. Interrogative Pronouns: Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. They include:
  • Who: Referring to a person or people.
  • Whom: Referring to the object of a sentence (less commonly used in modern English).
  • Whose: Referring to ownership.
  • Which: Referring to things or a choice between options.
  • Sentence examples:
    • Whose watch is this?
    • Which colour do you like?
  1. Relative Pronouns: Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses in a sentence. The clause provides more information about a noun. They include:
  • Who: Referring to people.
  • Whom: Referring to the object of a sentence.
  • Whose: Referring to ownership.
  • Which: Referring to things.
  • That: Referring to people or things.
  • Sentence examples:
    • This is the house which my grandfather built.
    • I met John who is my pen pal. 

Question: Identify the type of pronouns in the given sentences:

  1. We will take the bus to school.
  2. It is raining outside.
  3. I can’t believe you did this to yourself.
  4. These chocolates are mine.
  5. Which movie did you watch last night?
  6. The boy who won the race received a medal.
  7. Is this book yours or mine?
  8. Whom did you ask for help?
  9. That is a beautiful flower.
  10. This book which I am reading was a gift from my sister.


  1. First person pronoun
  2. Third person pronoun
  3. Reflexive pronoun
  4. Demonstrative pronoun
  5. Interrogative pronoun
  6. Relative pronoun
  7. Possessive pronoun
  8. Interrogative pronoun
  9. Demonstrative pronoun
  10. Relative pronoun