Shashi Sagar

Shashi Sagar

Floods can cause humongous damage. They have incredible power and unpredictability. They can ruin everything including houses, buildings, roads etc. Floods leave mud and sand behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood.

What is the EFFECT? A. Floods can cause a lot of damage B. Floods happen in many areas without warning. C. Floods are strong and unpredictable. D. Flood damage is devastating Answer: D Solution: The EFFECT in the given text…

Direction: In the below-given data sufficiency problem consists of a question and two statements, labeled (1) and (2), which contain certain data. Using these data and your knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts decide whether the data given are sufficient for answering the question.

Will the school close tomorrow? Statement 1: The local news reported that all schools will be closed tomorrow due to severe weather. Statement 2: In the past week, the school closed once due to bad weather. A. If you can…

Direction: In the below-given data sufficiency problem consists of a question and two statements, labeled (1) and (2), which contain certain data. Using these data and your knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts decide whether the data given are sufficient for answering the question.

What is the cost of flooring the rectangular room? Statement 1: The length of the rectangle is 4m. Statement 2: Breadth of the rectangle is two-thirds of its length. A. If you can answer the question using only the information…

August 15, 1947 was a big day for all the Indians. It was the day India got independence from British rule. Britishers ruled India for more than 100 years and after a prolonged struggle and sacrifices of some great personalities Britishers left India and declared it independent.

What is the main idea in the above passage? A. The population of India increased in 1947. B. Why is August 15,1947 an important day? C. Britishers introduced cricket to India. D. India’s climate changed after 1947. Answer: B Solution:…

In today’s busy world one needs to be physically active. Riding a bicycle regularly is the best way to exercise and be physically fit. It also contributes to our environment as it runs on human energy instead of fuel, petrol etc. As a mode of transport cycling is very time- efficient.

What is the main idea stated in the story? A. Cycling reduces fat. B. Cycling is very risky. C. Cycling is the best way to keep your body and environment healthy. D. Children love cycling. Answer: C Solution: The main…