Ans: There are various types of ecosystems, each characterized by its unique features and functions:
a) Terrestrial Ecosystems:
b) These include ecosystems found on land and can be further categorized based on factors like climate, vegetation, and geography.
Examples include forests, grasslands, deserts, tundra, and mountains.
Terrestrial ecosystems support a wide range of plant and animal life adapted to specific conditions.
Aquatic Ecosystems:
These are ecosystems found in water bodies, including freshwater and marine environments.
Examples include lakes, rivers, ponds, oceans, and coral reefs.
Aquatic ecosystems are vital for aquatic organisms and play a significant role in regulating the Earth’s climate.
Man-Made Ecosystems:
These are ecosystems created or modified by human activities, such as urban areas, agricultural fields, and gardens.
Man-made ecosystems often have a high degree of human intervention and may support specific crops, livestock, or urban wildlife.